Time passes so quickly, doesn't it? It's been a couple of months, I've traveled to the Holy Land, completely lost my religion, came home and moved to a new city. Phew!
So I suppose I will start with Israel. I could write a book, or perhaps a stand up routine about my birthright trip, but who has the time? Obviously not me or I would have been more diligent on this here blog.

Ah! The arid lands of my forefathers! This particular vista reminded me rather of Chalton Heston. You know that scene, in "The Ten Commandments"? Where he's cursing god and wandering in the desert? You know, and then he gets high and watches a bush burn for way too long? Good times.

So that tower up there? Thats the tower where Jesus will come down at the end of the world. And all those little white things on the hill top, those are graves. The people burried there will be the first resurrected by Jesus and will thus serve as his zombie army and slay all non believers. Then they will all pass through the Damascus gate (where I was standing when I took this picture) and have some wine. That's exactly what it says in the scripture.

This is one of the soldiers who traveled with our group. She's a very religious orthodox jew. She thought I was a hoot. In this picture she's praying she won't end up like Charlton Heston. At Masada. Which was another excellent movie featuring men wearing really short skirts.

Here are some jews. In Jerusalem. Yup.

There was some beauty.

And there was also some love. But there really is no place like home. Thank you, America. This is my country.