It's terribly cute. It was a shame she had to undo it, but she wanted to put the green yarn in a hat. Even though it's hard to take apart something I've worked on, I suppose it's part of the nature of knitting. In No Idle Hands(Which I wrote about already once) Anne Macdonald talks about how often yarn from one thing was reused for another. In Stitch 'N Bitch Debbie Stoller writes: "When my mother was small, it was standard practice to buy yarn and knit a sweater for a child, then, a year or so later, unravel and reknit it, with a bit more yarn, when the child had outgrown the original. Then there was the time, during the Second World War, that my grandmother had to unravel an old cotton bedspread-- which her own mother had knit-- to make underwear for her children." So bittersweet.
My mother taught me everything that I know about how to knit, but I have to give Ms. Debbie Stoller a lot of credit for being able to talk the knitting lingo. I've never heard anyone talk about "frogging" their project, but I have to believe her.
"In knitter's parlance, unraveling a large part of knitting is called frogging. Get it? A frog goes 'ribbit, ribbit' and your going to 'rip it, rip it.' Hey, I couldn't make these things up."
I couldn't make it either, and I had to start over on the hat I was working on. I really wanted to make a hat with the yarn Nora made me and I also wanted to use up some sweater leftovers. I was really excited, perhaps too much so, because I finished the hat and it was enormous.

Fortunately, I was not discouraged, partially because I am home, and filled with lasagna, and also because the Nora yarn is wonderful to work with! I desperately need more. It looks so pretty knitted up too, all sparkly and turquoise.
1 comment:
you, nelly, make me desperately happy. !!! :0) !!! Of course I'll send you more yarn! Especially if you'll trade me that hat pattern!! I need more nelly in my life! Plague be gone so I can call you and we can talk Yarn for hours!
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